HAPPY Halloween
Photo by Ryan McGuire at Gratisography.com
*Please forgive the puns & corniness you are about to endure*
The change in seasons, with colder temperatures and less daylight, can affect your emotions and functioning in subtle (or not so subtle) ways. Taking a few proactive steps now will keep you thriving throughout the fall & winter!
A few easy things you can start doing today:
*Don't be a Vampire. --Embrace daylight! Bundle up and get outside as much as possible (vitamin D improves mood!) ; be active every day; sit near a window; use a bright light in your room; don't sleep during the daytime (except for 20-minute-max powernaps!).
*Don't be a Ghost, hiding yourself away. --Socialize. See and be seen. Spend time with positive people, laughing, playing, talking. Even if you are shy, just hanging out where others are around is better than isolating in your house. Get out and have some fun!
*Don't be a Zombie. --Sitting in front of "glowing screens" (phone, computer, TV) for long periods of time has a "brain-drain" effect. Relying on technology too much for human interaction (including Twitter, texting, Facebook etc.) instead of being with others face-to-face can still lead to feelings of isolation, (not to mention wreaking havoc on your attention span, sleep schedule, etc.!).
*Don't be a Witch! (or Warlock)-- Kindness to others in your day-to-day interactions has a really positive effect on your brain, your heart, and your overall mood. Serve others in large and small ways, as much as possible, starting today.