Undercover Introverts
I know many people who are secretly introverted. They can be social butterflies, compelling public speakers, impeccable party hosts, and heads of companies, and still think of themselves as quiet and shy. *To be clear, introversion and shyness are different things. Shy people feel timid around others; introverts "recharge their batteries" by being alone or in smaller groups. There's often a lot of overlap between the two, though (fifty percent of the general population, when surveyed, identify themselves as shy).
Whether you're a dyed-in-the-wool introvert, or the outgoing person who feeds off the energy of larger groups, it's still important to take time to do some "introverting." Silent, still time allows us to ponder, to slow down and appreciate things, to go deeper, and to reconnect with ourselves, with God, our pets, our favorite spaces, and/or our our memories. It can happen whether we're alone, or around others.
I remember the great freedom I felt when I was nervous about a big gathering once, and someone reminded me that I was allowed to be the life of the party, or to "stand there quietly and sparkle." (Or to quote Damone from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, "Wherever you are, act like that's the place to be. 'Isn't this great'?") I would challenge you, the next time you're feeling like "going inward", to celebrate it. Go there, even for a little while. Embrace it as a strength. In a larger group, most people will assume you are confident and thinking deep thoughts. Alone, you'll still be in good company.
For more motivation to celebrate your introverted side, I highly recommend the following TED talk: Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts. Check it out. (preferably alone, curled up with your favorite coffee mug and a book nearby :)