This is Water
I frequently talk to clients about the ways that changing their thoughts can influence how they feel. "You have to learn to select your thoughts the way you select your clothes every day." --(Richard from Texas in Eat, Pray Love). We literally build and strengthen pathways in our brains with our thoughts-- either positive paths, or negative paths. Like trails in the woods, the ones that get more use become easier to travel.
I love David Foster Wallace's commencement speech "This is Water", because he puts such a thoughtful spin on the concept. He does such a beautiful job of illustrating how we aren't just dealing with inner thoughts about ourselves, we're constantly making assumptions about other people as well. To put it differently, we are constantly telling stories. About others, about ourselves, and about the world (and about God-or whatever it is that we're worshipping. See full transcript of the speech for more on this).
We rarely examine the stories we tell and believe. What is amazing is that taking the time, moment to moment, to reexamine and reframe the stories, can change a moment completely. -It can take a small moment and infuse it with deep spiritual significance. -It can change how we feel about others (even the annoying others) and fill us with compassion for them, and -It can transform how we feel about ourselves and the path we're on.
Take a moment to watch the visual representation of "This is Water", or look up the full talk/transcript online. Take a moment to think about it and how you can apply it to your life. I have seen people transform how they feel, even in a matter of minutes, just by re-thinking the false stories they've bought wholesale for years.