Seeing New Possibilities (and Dropping Old Stories)
Click above for a brief (less than 4 min.) video on dropping our drab old stories and seeing new possibilities. (I promise my eyes are open for most of it :)
My Favorite Resources This Month: I am constantly reading, listening, and watching for good, quality, life-changing material. Here are a few items that I highly recommend:
Rising Strong by Brené Brown
This is the book I referenced in the video. Rising strong was a life-changing read for me-- and is relevant to anyone who has ever taken a risk, let themselves hope, then faced disappointment. It's out in paperback now.
Video Clip:
Colorblind brothers seeing color for the first time. Makes me cry every time.
Podcast Episode:
Richard Rohr: Living in Deep Time on the On Being with Krista Tippett Podcast. Great discussion on the power of Contemplation and contemplative prayer, the challenges facing men with "father hunger" and/or lacking societal rites-of-passage, and more.
Video Clip:
Young artist brings Pharrell Williams to tears with her music: Speaking of contemplation-- seeing someone experience awe at good art is a mystical experience. Take a moment to enjoy.
My "side-hustle":
It turns out that building a business brings up a lot of the same fears and worthiness issues that my clients face in their lives (who knew?!). I've been doing some practice-consulting for therapists in addition to my counseling practice, and it's so fun and fulfilling! Check out my new website:
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