Emotional Spring Cleaning
My Favorite Resources This Month
I am constantly reading, listening, and watching for good, quality, life-changing material. Here are a few items that I highly recommend:
Movie Clip: "No Bad News"
from THE WIZ (1978).
This is a great song for when you've had just about enough. It never fails to put a smile on my face. If you've never watched THE WIZ (Quincy Jones' take on the Wizard of Oz), you're missing out.
"Irresistible" By Design: It's No Accident You Can't Stop Looking At The Screen.
Fresh Air/Terri Gross interview with author Adam Alter. Excellent conversation about technology and the impact on our daily lives. You're probably spending a LOT more time on-screen than you realize.
Book: The Net and the Butterfly
This amazing, fun read by Olivia Fox Cabane and Judah Pollack is a fascinating look at how our brains create insights, and breakthroughs, and why daydreaming and doing less can help us access our genius.
Article: Drums as Therapy
I once pulled out of a near-depression funk by taking African-drumming lessons at Skinny Beats drums. Later, a neuropsychologist I know said "Every other culture around the world uses rhythm to treat mental illness; we use medication." This is a great read, and a great reminder to drum, dance, and sit in a rocking chair.
Mike Rowe: The Way I Heard It
Podcast Interview on the Art of Charm. This is a fun listen, and a great reminder that authenticity is everything.
Get Out Of Town
Blog post I wrote a while back on the importance of getting away sometimes. Have you planned a vacation for this Spring/Summer? Get one on the calendar now, even if it's just going to the next town over.
Happy Spring!